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Stuff I'm working on this month

Boring blog today. I am completely underwater with responsibilities. I started my new job last week, I think? I'm telling you, it's a lot of information. Working my new job at a store that hasn't even had an opening yet. Almost everyone is new, I am being bombarded with new information 5 hours a day for 12 days of training in a row. Plus I have to wear a wig to hide my super awesome, beautiful, purple hair. :/ Then on top of that I am studying and going to classes when I'm not at work. So my information is overloaded. Also this month I have a piece going into my first ever art show. The piece I did, isn't my favorite, but it's too late to try to come up and composition another piece. So lessons learned on that. Then I have to register for my fall classes next week. So super nervous about that. I know I will have to eventually take my maths and sciences, and I am not looking forward to it at all. Art classes, I am more

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