What Do I Do Now!?

Here it is. The ever overwhelmed anxiety brain back in action...

A lot of new things are happening to me right now. Just today alone, I have given into my anxiety brain numerous times.

I haven't had a job at all since my dad died and that was 2 years ago. I start my new job today and I am so freaking nervous. Will they see me as the crazy chaotic person I believe I am?

Or can I keep up the illusion long enough to get done with school?

And school is another thing! I haven't been in a "college" college in almost 10 years and here I am taking 2 classes and I already have a ton of homework waiting for me!

My scheduling is already a mess as it is!

So what do I do?!

So many questions, even as I write out this blog I feel a tinge of guilt tugging at the back of my brain that I should be studying.

It's overwhelming and I will certainly try my best to make it through and still have time to do what I love too.

What do normal people do when they have all these tasks and deadlines without anxiety?

Or am I crazy and everyone has the same anxiety I feel?

It's so hard to validate my own anxiety when I see the highlights of everyone's lives.

Any advice for an artist who wants to do what I love and not hate to do it?

Keep watch of my growth on my social media accounts!

Instagram: @arlieopal
Tumblr: arlieopal.tumblr.com
Twitter: @Arlie_Opal
Everything else: Google Arlie Opal

I will try to post a new blog every Wednesday. Like really really try.

Comment below on any advice, wisdom, inspirational quote, or pick me up you can give me!


  1. To some degree or another, EVERYONE is hiding feelings like that. That they'd better not show people their real self, more scared than they feel safe to let on, worried they'll fail, it goes on and on. And on. And that's just the average, "normal" person. What you're feeling is, along with some added anxiety, pretty darn normal. Take yourself to the Lord and ask Him to help you see yourself the way He does. That helps a whole lot, albeit sometimes over time =)


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