Stuff I'm working on this month

Boring blog today. I am completely underwater with responsibilities.

I started my new job last week, I think? I'm telling you, it's a lot of information.

Working my new job at a store that hasn't even had an opening yet. Almost everyone is new, I am being bombarded with new information 5 hours a day for 12 days of training in a row. Plus I have to wear a wig to hide my super awesome, beautiful, purple hair. :/

Then on top of that I am studying and going to classes when I'm not at work.

So my information is overloaded.

Also this month I have a piece going into my first ever art show. The piece I did, isn't my favorite, but it's too late to try to come up and composition another piece. So lessons learned on that.

Then I have to register for my fall classes next week. So super nervous about that.

I know I will have to eventually take my maths and sciences, and I am not looking forward to it at all.

Art classes, I am more excited about, but apprehensive. I'm scared of criticism. But that is the biggest part of being an artist. You open your soul in your pieces only to have them be broken down and scrutinized. Like I'm not doing that to my work already....

But I'm hopeful. With this new job, I will be one step closer to my own art room.

With school, I will hopefully have a purpose in my life and a job that I love to do. So in turn I can have all the opportunities to do what I love.

Like I said, boring post, but with my art classes coming up hopefully in fall. I will have more exciting content.

Keep watch of my growth on my social media accounts!

Instagram: @arlieopal
Twitter: @Arlie_Opal
Everything else: Google Arlie Opal

I will try to post a new blog every Wednesday. Like really really try.

Comment below on how you are doing, just anything you feel like posting or ranting about!


  1. I'm sure a lot of people could rant here, too! So many people do/did what you're in the middle of now. Taking on responsibilities, work, etc. for better opportunities and options. Impressive that you turned it around to the positive, to the hopeful sides of things. That's the way to do it! And once you've adjusted to the work/info load, you'll be sailing, and one day soon, SO glad you did!!


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