Why Taking a Creativity Break is Important!

Hey guys I'm back! I took the last two weeks off for a break.

I felt lackluster, disillusioned and down right bleghh.

So after much debate, I took my first creativity break since I decided to become Arlie Opal. 

This was long overdue since I started Arlie Opal in September of 2015. So almost 2 years of exhaustion.

Since I finished the break unofficially Monday because I always do the cute blog drawings on Monday for my social media. I felt my creativity is at full force again. I have so many plans to implement and I don't have to work hard to think something up. I haven't had such a boost in creativity and motivation in a long time. I've seriously been working hard everyday to become better. 

My mental health completely suffered, I mean my anxiety is still there but my depression is much lower since now I feel I can be productive again. 

I think it's important to do this. I feel so rejuvenated taking the break that I'm twice as productive and excited about art. During the break I literally did nothing and garbage at the same time. I still did art but art with no pressure to post. 

I played video games mostly, did some cross stitching and felt crafting. Played with Gilbert and Harold. I even decided to go back to school and in the process of starting classes.

It was amazing. And now with this great stay-cation I'm ready for work :D

And tonight is my husband and I's 7 year dating anniversary. We got married in May but we celebrate this day anyway. We decided to go get junk food and play video games together. :D

I will try to post a new blog every Wednesday. Unless I'm on break.

Comment below on how you boost creativity.


  1. Congrats, Arlie! Geez, that's gotta be exciting for you, a new lease of life, new focus and ideas...that must feel amazing!! I'm SO happy for you!! Man, such an important lesson to learn how not to get burned out, etc. And Happy Anniversary!! Pretty much the ideal way to celebrate!! =D


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