How to remain creative when grossly sick

So what do you do as an artist when your body is crapping out?

Coughing, shakes, headaches, and just plan not feeling good.

As I lay here in bed I tried to figure out how I am going to get up and type at a computer for a hour to post this blog. Eventually I just had to say "no".

And so here I am on my phone trying to get my words across.

Obviously, you will want to rest but what can you do to feel more productive or you are just too sick to sleep?

I have been in bed for 2 days but I have not been totally unproductive! I got up. Grabbed my sketch pad turned on the TV and just drew. Even if it didn't look great of was an amazing piece I still just doodled my way out.

It's great! Totally freeing and relaxing! At first it was so difficult to not try and fix everything I drew. But that's the point! It's just practice. I drew what I felt like, practiced where I wanted too. I even drew over the older drawings.

And you know the best part?

It was the most free I have ever been. It didn't matter what it looked like! It was my sketch pad I wasn't going to edit it and have it on society6, redbubble or any online art store.

This was for me and me alone.

Now I'm going to take a nap and maybe doodle some more later.

Sorry for a weird post today, but I am too sick to fix it. I am still working on my website and hope to get it running soon. Lots of domain transfers....

I will try to post every Wednesday.

Tell me in the comments how you stay productive and creative when sick!


  1. I love your honesty! And we've all been there, sickly-wise =( So cool that you discovered something so interesting out of this sick time, though!! Must have been amazing to feel so free just drawing for yourself alone!! XXX


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