Meet the Artist

I'm taking a page out of Instagram's book and doing a #meettheartist this week!

For the new year and if anyone stumbles on my page somehow, I'll have this up for all to get to know me!

With an adorable doodle!

So, where to begin? My pseudonym/art name is Arlie Opal. 

I came up with the name shortly after my father passed a way last year. He was my all time #1 fan and there was even an old sketch book from high school stuffed in his locker at his work. 

Arlie is Gaelic for 'Oath'. My dad always said to never give up on my artwork. No matter what I did or what I was doing at the time that I would not stop on my life long dream and desire to be a famous artist. 

Before his death, I was actually taking a break to go to school in Oregon for Massage Therapy. And after his passing, I quit school and moved back to Louisiana to be closer to the rest of my family. 

Arlie is not only and oath to him to never give up but an oath to myself as well. 

Opal was the original stone of my engagement ring to my now husband. 

And that's it, Arlie Opal. Simple as that! Kristin Musser is my real name.

I am 28 years old, married to a wonderful man named Dave. We have 2 animals, a black pug, Gilbert, who is a little over a year old, and a tiny kitten, Harold, who is about 10 months now.

We live in a tiny camper in a limbo between buying a home and trying to figure out what's going on.

Whether we will live in the city we reside in now or move somewhere else. 

I have an anxiety disorder and severe depression that I speak openly about. I am very pro mental health awareness and feel that there shouldn't be a taboo about it. 

I do take medication for my anxiety and depression as well as something for insomnia. I feel that if you need medication, you should take it and if not then don't. 

Depression and Anxiety aren't a simple "pull up your big girl panties" cure as most people who don't have a mental illness feel. 

One of my favorite sayings or retorts for mental illness is, "Saying someone should be happy because someone may have it worse than you is like saying someone should be sad because someone may have it better than you."

Anywho, I am awkward and tend not to pick up on social cues. Have been known to be blunt or dry without meaning it. Have a really dry sense of humor. 

I am a huge potterhead and loved the new fantastic beasts movie! RAVENCLAW REPRESENT!
I have a huge collection of Harry Potter things in general and do fanart on occasion. 
Actually, I'm just an all around big nerd, Sailor Moon, Final Fantasy, Dungeons & Dragons. I do all of those things.

And lastly, I'm terrible at math and also bad at grammar and tend to do a lot of run on sentences.


Tell me in the comments below about yourself! I'd love to see your art as well if you have a social media!

I will try to post a new blog every Wednesday!


  1. Very special post. Very well said, all of it. I am SO, so proud of you!! And this drawing is totally adorable!! XXXOOO


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