Thanksgiving, Birthday and Cruise Ships

Sorry for being so incredibely late with this post! My power was out all morning and I am just now getting to the point of being able to put it up.

This month has been crazy hectic for me so my husband and I are leaving the red white and blue coast and venturing forth to Mexico!

Actually this cruise was a complete accident. We originally had it planned for our honeymoon earlier this year but changed our minds for Harry Potter World instead! (Ravenclaw represent!)

I am going on a cruise on saturday and have decided to keep my store open since I won't be gone that long. Plus I wanted everyone to reap the benefits of my SUPER AWESOME KILLER DEALS!

So I will have my Black Friday and Cyber Monday roped into one giant week. 

From now until Thursday, December the 1st, if you use coupon code: supersweetsale

you will get 40% off all originals on my 

Plus to top it all off, I've just started shipping World Wide!

So forgive me for my lateness, I hope to be back from Mexico refreshed and hopefully renewed!

Happy American Thanksgiving, Happy Birthday to me (November 28th), and Happy Cruise Ships Everyone!

I will try to post off the boat next wednesday, but I don't know if I can....


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