Social Life and Balancing Artistic Chaos

So my social life hasn't always been exciting, I know that's hard to believe! But now that I'm older and I'm trying to figure out my business model, I've been trying to figure out how to balance.

One thing that I do recommend that I read out of some art book somewhere is to make time for your art. Especially if you have a hectic schedule or a job. The book recommended waking up an extra hour early for your hobby or staying an extra hour up later.

I am lucky enough right now to not have to work and give my art my complete and full attention. I do, however, limit myself. I only work on the days my husband works. So my work day is 8 am to 5 pm. I also get every other Friday off and take off weekends. Unless I have a commission or a priority project to do. Like I talked about on my planning mistakes blog. 

I work very hard to make sure I spend time with friends and family as well as try not to burn myself out from doing what I love. I don't want Art to be a "Job" as in "something you have to do".

I do still paint and draw on weekends and Fridays but its when I want to. And something I want to create. 

My typical week is like this:


Monday I wake up, tend to Gilbert, my pug and Harold our 6 week old black kitten. Make my breakfast and take my Anxiety and Thyroid medication. Then I sit down at the computer and watch Good Mythical Morning while I post and edit in Photoshop CS6. Once the show is done, I stop.

If I'm posting, I will finish the post and if I'm editing I save the PSD.

Then I move to my priorities: on Monday I do my blog drawing for my social media's. If you follow me on my Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr. 

You see this

So I draw one of these and hang it up to scan. Then my second priority is any commissions or projects I want to work on.

 Sometimes I'll make a promotion thing for my social media's like these


And that's usually what my Monday is like.


My Tuesday's are Scan days. My morning routine is still the same with posting, editing and Good Mythical Morning. But after the episode I scan whatever was done the previous week. It's all put into my "to edit" folder. 

Then I edit my blog drawing and have it ready on my phone for tomorrow. The rest of the day is the same as before, commissions, projects, etc.......



Today is Wednesday! I actually set an alarm on my phone for 11:30 am CT to start my blog. I usually have an idea of what I want to write about. My morning is the same with the exception that I edit and post until 11:30 so that I'm already at the computer, plus I paint so much that my editing is insane. 

After I write the blog, I post the blog drawing to all social medias! Then my day continues as before. Commissions, projects, blah blah.


All the same


All the same, except every other Friday I have off.

After Dave, my husband, gets off of work I stop what I'm doing. We eat dinner, watch tv together, renovate our RV, go grocery shopping, hang out with friends or just play with the animals. And all of this is unless I have to do something important. On the weekends, I am either doing whatever with David and the animals, playing Dungeons and Dragons with my group or visiting family! 

And that's it. It's not a perfect plan but I am learning as I go! :D

Tell me in the comments below how you balance work, social life, and hobbies!

I will try to post a new blog every Wednesday!


  1. I completely LOVED this!! I love all the detail you gave; you are SO organized!! You're getting yourself out there and still balancing personal time and that is just wonderfully perfect!! So proud of you and impressed at your dedication. Your days sound balanced and fun and sweet, yet really productive!! You and Hubby are AMAZING people and an amazing couple. Your blogs always cheer me up and make me smile!! XXXOOO


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