Arlie Opal's Cool October Happenings!

Cool things that happened last month:

1: Playing with my new Art-n-Fly markers! Super easy and more affordable than Copics. Great for beginner marker adventurists! You can check out the markers I bought here (24 color set) and here (6 skin tone set)! The company also informed me that they are coming out with more colors in the future which I'm very excited about!

2: We got a new little black kitten! Our neighbor saved him from an intersection and since it's so close to Halloween and I live in a very superstitious southern state, no shelter would take him. So my husband and I adopted him. His name is Harold!

3: My new planner makes it so much easier for making sure my art is on track. But I still have a long ways to go to stay organized as I've mentioned in the last blog post! Haha. I did get the spiral this time (last year I had a hardcover) so that I can rip out the months. 

4: I am a regular D&D (Dungeons and Dragons) player. I already play with a group ever other Sunday, but we were able to convince my in-laws of how fun it was so we got to play with them for the first time! They had a great time!

5: Our last minute Halloween costumes! We went classic this year with the sheet ghosts. It was really funny because I was shorter I had the fitted sheet and didn't bother the cut the ends off. Here's a picture of me before I cut the eye holes lol.

6: And lastly, after many many months of trying to balance 1 car between the two of us. (I really wish there was reliable transit here) We finally got our second car working, (sorta) and it's great! I can go to my doctor's appointments and get the groceries without having to haggle Dave!

Tell me in the comments below anything cool that happened to you in October! :D

I will try to post a new blog every Wednesday!


  1. Looks like an all around really good month for you all!! =D


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