Arlie Opal's Cool September Happenings!

Cool things that happened last month:

1: Dyed my hair purple! I died it using Manic Panic's Purple Haze, which leaves these super pretty magenta highlights throughout! I've gotten so many compliments! I love it so much! It makes me feel extra Artist-y!

2: I redesigned my logo! Around September of last year was when I came out with my pseudonym Arlie Opal. (If you want to read where I came up with the name, you can read about it in my first post) I feel like my new design looks much more professional and shows off how much I've improved in a year! I really like it.  Below is my old logo and my new one! 

3: I did a September art challenge that mostly focused on Typography, which I am not good at if you can tell by my lovely handwriting. It seriously helped me. I feel so confident on my designs now when I use quotes or words on my work. And you can see the confidence in my new logo! Doing this art challenge was the fastest way to learn, I'm telling you. 

4: David (my husband) actually liked some of my paintings! He usually thinks they are too girly. He's a very logical and scientific grayscale kind of man. We are total opposites as far as aesthetics. But he loves me all the same! Haha! So we are going to hang some up! I would show you but I'm still painting my walls :/

5: I bought the coolest most affordable markers on the net. It's a new company based out of New York called Art-n-Fly! You can check out the markers I bought here (24 colors) and here (skin tones). Next week I'll do a review on the markers and show you what I've learned.

6: If you read my Blog from last week, you will see a play by play of a painting I did as an art trade with the amazing Michael Dougherty! He's a storyboard artist who works for Nickelodeon! It was an amazing opportunity! I've been following him on instagram for a while and love his work. So it was a great honor to paint him an original. I was actually having a hard time before that day because I felt that my art was going nowhere and no body cared about what I did. Only a few minutes later to get a follow from him! I freaked out! I was like, "DAVID! MICHAEL DOUGHERTY IS FOLLOWING ME!" and he promptly said, "Yay! Who is that?" And while I was explaining to him who he was and what he had done. Michael messaged me for an art trade! I was so excited about it I almost threw up. He brought me back up and renewed my hope again that people did care about what I did. So special shout out to Michael, you can follow him on instagram and I'm sure other social medias. His tag name is @mrdoughy if you want to pop in and see his work.

7: And finally talking about my September Art challenge. It was the first one I had ever completed all the way through. All 30 days! With a cold and all! So that was another cool September happening!

Tell me in the comments below anything cool that happened to you last month!

I will be posting a new blog post every Wednesday!


  1. AMAZING month for you!! So impressed, so happy for you, SO proud of you =D xxx


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