Welcolme to my artistic chaos!

Welcome to my first ever blog! This is a biography post!

My name is Kristin Musser, pseudonym Arlie Opal, I'm from the south and have a crazy black pug named Gilbert. My name was created from the Gaelic word Arlie meaning Oath, as an oath to myself to become a better artist. And Opal was my engagement ring stone as well as one of my favorite gems.

I paint mostly watercolor but do enjoy other crafts such as cross stitching and perler beads. I also play the ukulele.

I started painting when I was 4 and never stopped. I am trying my best to make it on my own as an artist. I've slowly started to understand how to do so with a crippling anxiety disorder. As an advocate for mental health awareness, I do talk about my day to day with anxiety, depression, and dyslexia. My first painting under my pseudonym is actually about how much painting helps me.

There are times where it is difficult to paint, an art block or a particularly bad day where I have no motivation. But I do try very hard. I want to grow as an artist and show people how wonderful painting is. No matter how bad you feel you are at creating, just know that you can paint just for painting even if you end up throwing it away.

That's what I love about watercolor, because it is the only thing in my life as someone with an anxiety disorder, that I can go with the flow without thinking or worrying about the result. It is very liberating and freeing. Everyone should try it!

Good luck and tell me in the comments what inspires you and your hobbies!

Always Keep Fighting by Arlie Opal

I will be posting a new blog post every Wednesday!


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